Cookies and similar technologies used by our website
If you agree to our use of cookies (including similar technologies) via the consent banner, our website or some 3rd parties may set cookies on your device. If you decline cookies or do not indicate your acceptance on the consent banner, the following cookies will not be set and embedded content will be disabled. These cookies may include:
Cookie consent
Our website may set a cookie called "cookie-banner-consent" to remember whether you have accepted or declined cookies, and to remove the consent banner on further page views for your convenience. This cookie expires 28 days after being set. This is considered a strictly necessary cookie under cookie law and will not be used for any other purpose. If you do not want this cookie to be set, please do not click Accept or Decline on the cookie consent banner. The cookie consent banner will remain visible on every page view.
Archive customisation
A piece of Session Storage data (similar to a cookie) called "archive-custom" may be set to remember which tags you have chosen to view in our Archive, and display these tags again to you if you visit the Archive again. This data expires when you close the browser tab. This data is completely anonymous, is used for your convenience and to enhance your experience browsing our website.
Google analytics
Used to provide website statistics in an anonymous form, to help us monitor website usage. We have integrated Google Analytics using a technique that will instruct Google Analytics not to store your IP address.
Google Analytics privacy and cookies information
Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on
Embedded YouTube videos
Used to display videos provided by YouTube within our website.
YouTube privacy and cookies information
Google privacy and opt-out settings
Embedded Vimeo videos
Used to display videos provided by Vimeo within our website.
Vimeo privacy and cookies information, including opt-out settings
How can I delete and control cookies on my device?
If you have accepted cookies on our website and later change your mind, or would like to delete cookies, or would like to change how your web browser handles cookies, you can do so using your web browser's settings. Please refer to the Help section of your web browser for more information.